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Aims and objectives

The overall aim of Legumes Translated is to increase the production and use of grain legume crops as part of a European Protein Transition.[1]  For change that matters to society, grain legume production must increase and contribute to ‘mainstream’ food and feed value chains.


There is already knowledge and capacity available through local, regional and international initiatives. We aim to stimulate innovation by building on these existing initiatives by networking actor groups linked to them.  The project’s objectives are:


Technical change and innovation:


  1. to expertly exchange and synthesise Actor Groups’ existing technical results, data, and knowledge  and to adapt this for use in other contexts;

  2. to validate the wider economic effects and relevance of innovation based on Actor Groups knowledge by supporting Actor Groups and Transition Networks with sound economic assessments;

  3. to validate the environmental effects of innovations to ensure that project outputs support a wide range of ecosystem services;

  4. to compile technical, economic, environmental and social knowledge at farming system and value chain level within sector-oriented sub-networks (‘Transition Networks);

  5. to provide access to the consortium’s knowledge resources by building an internet-based knowledge platform that provides easy access to the compiled knowledge in a way that supports the EIP Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP Agri);


Institutional and organisational innovation:


  1. to improve alliances, cooperation and innovative activities for improved farming systems and value chains by integrating knowledge from different actors along value chains in Transition Networks; and

  2. to contribute to the knowledge of the policy community as part of value chains by assessing the relevance of Actor Groups’ knowledge and translating it for policy development.


The project will provide better opportunities to exchange knowledge between the actor groups as well as communities external to the project, by establishing an easy accessible knowledge platform, the Legume Hub.

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