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Legumes Translated
Legumes Translated supports production and use of grain legumes (‘protein crops’). As a thematic network, it helps farmers benefit from relevant research, particularly research funded by the European Union. This addresses how we obtain and use protein which is a fundamental factor in the resilience, performance and acceptance of our farming systems.
Legumes Translated is part of the European Innovation Partnership for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability (EIP Agri). The consortium comprises 17 partners in 9 countries with 14 local innovation groups (Actor groups).
Legumes Translated - Translating knowledge for legume-based farming for feed and food systems
Funding: Horizon 2020, European Union
Programme: RUR-15-2018-2019-2020 - Thematic networks compiling knowledge ready for practice
Grant agreement No 817634
Coordinator: Jens Dauber at the Thuenen Institute in Germany
Scientific coordinator: Donal Murphy-Bokern in Germany
Networking and partner lead: Christine Watson in the UK
Duration: November 2018 to April 2022
More about Legumes Translated concept
July 2021
Notice: This project website provides basic information about the project and its formal outputs while the project is running. In addition, we are now providing all project results through the Legume Hub – Europe’s knowledge platform for legumes. In addition to the project results, the Legume Hub provides a wide range of publications compiled within the Legumes Translated thematic network and by the wider Legume Hub community.
What is a Legume?
Legumes belong to the plant family Fabaceae. Most of the legumes of agricultural interest are in the subfamily Faboideae, characterized by papilionate (butterfly-like) flowers with an erect standard petal, two wing petals and two fused keel petals that protect the ovary. [Read more]
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