We are delighted to announce that the Call for Abstracts/Papers is open for the second ‘Legumes Science and Practice’ conference organised by the Association of Applied Biologists ‘Cropping And The Environment (CATE)’ specialist group. The event will take place online September 1st-3rd 2021.

The event was originally planned to take place in Angers, France but for obvious reasons will now take place virtually on the Zoom platform. AAB are committed to organising an inclusive event that provides focused oral presentations and promotion of virtual posters. We will bring together delegates from a broad spectrum of disciplines to explore the role of legumes in sustainable agriculture, with an emphasis on ecosystem service. Importantly the event will have an international flavour as it features sessions on ‘Legumes in Africa’ and Legumes Translated. Deadline for Call for Papers/Abstract submission is May 31st 2021. Excitingly, a special issue of ‘Annals in Applied Biology’ will be associated with this event. Offers of review, research or opinion papers are encouraged for publication in the January 2022 edition of Annals. This issue will be free-to-access so will maximise the visibility of your research. This edition will be guest-edited by experts, such as Kairsty Topp (SRUC, Edinburgh, UK), Christine Watson (SRUC, Aberdeen, UK) and Joëlle Fustec (USC LEVA, ESA, INRAE, France).
Submissions will be required for this Annals special issue by mid-September 2021.
More information
onlinelibrary.wiley.com: About 'Annals in Applied Biology' journal