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Legume Gap project seeks survey participants

Legumes Translated

Aktualisiert: 8. Apr. 2020

Legume Gap, a partner project of Legumes Translated, needs farmer input.

We want to know about farmers' experience and interest in growing grain legumes for food and feed.

Are you a farmer or do you know farmers who grow or have grown soya and/or crops? Then please participate in and share our survey for the #LegumeGap project.

The survey results will help identify pathways that bolster the productivity and sustainability of European plant protein production and close the grain legume yield gap.

Answering the whole survey should take 20 – 30 minutes. You can save your progress at any time and finish later. Survey links are provided by the country.

Survey Links

More Information


Prof Frederick Stoddard - Legume Gap Project Coordinator, University of Helsinki, Department of Agricultural Sciences, Finland,

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