The Seminar which was scheduled on March 17, 2020, "Creating value through the use of legumes" to take place in Helsinki, has been cancelled.

Grain legumes are paving the way for innovative legume-based food products and feeding solutions. However, there are several issues related to scaling-up the value creating potential of grain legumes in Europe.
This seminar is about exploring the prospects and challenges of creating value through grain legumes. During the first half of the day, international guests from Germany, Sweden, Denmark and Austria will present examples and insights on improving and expanding the use of legumes for food and feed in Europe. The second half of the day starts with considerations about the role of legumes in the Planetary Health Diet and to what extent it can be applied in Finland.
The seminar is organized by Legumes Translated partner Ground for Growth, as part of the projects Legumes Translated, Legumes for Sustainable Food Systems, Healthy Life (Leg4life), and Climate change mitigation and adaptation in Finnish agriculture (VILLE). The seminar is supported by Jalofoods.
More information
Casimir Schaumann, University of Helsinki, casimir.schauman (at), Tel. +358503119291
Technopolis Ruoholahti 1, Hiilikatu 3, 00180, Helsinki, Finland
Online registration
Download programme and seminar info