Schwaebisch Hall Producers
The actor group is formed by livestock farmers organised in the association Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall (BESH). BESH works as an independent company, comparable to a cooperative. It established production schemes for different types of animals and organises a suitable feed supply for its members. Distinctively, BESH owns a slaughterhouse, meat processing facility, cool chain logistics, advertising and PR agency and shops. Therefore BESH has direct access almost all the way “from farm to fork”. The actor group also includes international partners in Romania and Serbia who supply non-GM soy. All Stakeholders along the feed supply chain need to work together, to develop reasonable priced alternatives that meet the requirements of animals, farmers and meat consumers. The Landwirtschaftliche Beratungsdienst Schwäbisch Hall, a specialised farmers’ advisory service, has been the link between farmers, feed suppliers, the slaughterhouse, and certification bodies for more than two decades.
Responsible organisation
Astrid Heid
Haller Straße 20
74549 Wolpertshausen
+49 7904 9797 63