Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
ZALF is a national research facility associated to the Leibniz Association. More than 330 employees, including around 150 scientists, conduct integrated process research on agricultural landscapes for the sustainable management of soil, land, water, biodiversity, conservation of natural and cultural resources and sustainable development of rural areas. Activities focus on methods and models to anticipate future drivers of agricultural systems, to develop adaptive agricultural management, to assess the impact of agricultural management on agronomic performance and long-term sustainability, and to support decision making in farming and agricultural policy. ZALF maintains field sites at three locations in experimental farms covering a wide range of soils and growing conditions, with long-term field trials lasting up to 50 years.
The working groups “Resource-Efficient Cropping Systems” and “Farm Economics and Ecosystem Services” are involved in this project. These working groups build on existing long-term research collaboration on resource-efficient cropping systems, including legumes.
Role in the project
ZALF leads the Cool-season Grain Legumes transition network and represents two actor groups (The German Lupin Network and Brandenburg Farmers’ Network). ZALF also leads Work Package 4 (Economic performance) and leads related tasks in Work Packages 3 and 5.
Staff involved
Johann Bachinger
Moritz Reckling
Johannes Schuler
Peter Zander
Inka Notz
Johannes Schuler
Eberswalder Straße 84
15374 Müncheberg
Tel: +49 33432 82 378