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Practice Note 'Alternatives to soya for dairy cows' available


'Alternatives to soya for dairy cows - What are the alternatives to soya for dairy cows?' practice note written by partners from Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) discusses the reasoning behind seeking alternatives and the nutritional considerations to bear in mind when formulating dairy cow rations without soya.

Soybean meal is considered the gold standard for supporting high milk yields in dairy cows. However, it is falling out of favour with milk processors, consumers and dairy farmers for many reasons. Environmental concerns around how imported soybean is produced, a desire to reduce the carbon footprint of milk, and pressure from milk buyers means that farmers are looking at alternatives.

The practice note is available to download in English. It is featured on the practice note thematic page, Legumes in dairy farming.

More information


Christine Watson, Scotland's Rural College (SRUC), christine.watson(at)


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From PN5 'Alternatives to soya for dairy cows'

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