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'Scenarios for the protein transition in Europe' video published

'Scenarios for the protein transition in Europe' is now available on the Legume Hub YouTube channel.The video is available in English, with German subtitles.

International experts from the UK, Finland, Austria, the Netherlands and Germany facilitated the scenario design and provided insights into cutting-edge research. Based on the developed scenarios a scientific publication is developed and all participants were invited to contribute.

Legumes can play a leading role in improving the resilience of European farming systems and contribute to more sustainable food systems. To explore this significant option for future protein supply, the fifth 'Protein Paradoxes' Workshop took place in a hybrid (online/offline) setting and was organised by the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). During the workshop young scientists developed together with legume experts a set of novel future scenarios for better-utilizing grain legumes with a focus on food systems in Europe.

The project 'Protein Paradoxes: Protein Supply under the Conditions of Climate Change – Production, Consumption and Human Health' was started in 2016 by the Leibniz Research Alliance 'Food and Nutrition'. More information linked below.

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Weblinks Protein Paradoxes project:

Legumes Translated Video on YouTube: 'Scenarios for the protein transition in Europe'

Photos From the 'Scenarios for the protein transition in Europe' video

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