Cool season grain legumes
Here you can find all videos regarding cool season grain legumes. Further Videos will be presented here and in our YouTube channel.
Lupine cultivation: Success with new varieties
After the cultivation of white lupines was no longer possible for a long time due to the fungal disease anthracnose, hope is restored thanks to the new varieties ‘Frida’ and ‘Sulimo’. Christine Arncken from FiBL presents the cultivation of white lupins under organic conditions as well as encouraging results from her field trials.
Sowing into Mulch: spring-sown crops
Experts from Landwirtschaftskammer Oberoesterreich and Boden.Wasser.Schutz Beratung discuss direct seeding into mulch is a planting method in which the seeds are sown into mulched plant residues. The aim of mulch seeding is to achieve largely continuous erosion control of the soil throughout the year. Non-inversion tillage is utilised, which only works on the surface of the soil, protecting the soil structure.
Peas in pig feeding
Martin Hanselmann runs a part-time farm in Kerleweck, Germany. He raises Swabian-Haellian fattening pigs and markets them through the Schwäbisch Hall farmers' producer association. He grows much of the feed on his own farmland. For 550 fattening places with attached piglet rearing. The arable land is cultivated with barley, wheat, corn, triticale and peas. The pea is a welcome balance in the crop rotation. The share of peas in pig feed, in finishing and medium fattening, is five percent. In this video, Martin Hanselmann shares his experiences growing and feeding peas to pigs.
Growing faba beans for certified seed
In this video, Tim O'Donovan from Seedtech describes the life cycle of growing faba beans for seed in Ireland.
1. Sowing faba beans
2. Emergence of the plants
3. Early spring growth
4. Podfill & drought
5. Harvest
6. Seed production
In this video, experts and farmers explains why, when and how to inoculate legumes with appropriate Rhizobium bacteria. The video was produced by partners at University of Helsinki in Finland.
It Is available in Finnish, with English subtitles.
Martin Bourke of Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc) in Ireland explains how to recognise Bean Weevil in early growth stages of faba beans, control timings and aligning this control to other operations which may be necessary to the crop.
Legume protein from Brandenburg - trials on the cultivation potential of organic soya and lupins
Field trials on grain legumes have been conducted at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) for many years. In this video, Moritz Reckling and Kathleen Karges give insights into their research on soybeans and various lupin species and present trials on the cultivation potential of these legumes in Brandenburg.